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Get to Know

Our Services

Pest Control

We offer a variety of agricultural pest control services. Almendros can service all your pest control needs with our properly calibrated orchard and berm sprayers. Our services include:

•Orchard Spray

•Herbicide Berm Spray

•Ant Bait Spreading

Pruning, Hedging, Topping & Shredding

Almendros can help you keep your orchard healthy, clean, and free of brush. We can be a one stop shop that will help you prune, top, hedge, and shred your orchard.

•Tower Pruning

•Gas Operated Pole/ Chainsaw Pruning

•Hedging/ Topping


Winter Services

The Almendros team has the equipment, knowledge, and capacity to service all you winter work and sanitation needs.

•Winter Shaking

•Winter Sweeping

•Mowing/ Mummy Shredding

•Floating/ Leveling  

Almond Harvesting

Almendros offers a complete package of almond harvest services. We take pride in ensuring that your almonds are shaken, swept, & picked up on time. Our services include:



•Pick Up


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